Petronita Members consist of Vietnamese and Malaysian, staffs and spouses of various group of companies in Petronas. Most of the Vietnamese members are working, and thus most of the Malaysian ladies were given the responsibility to lead the committee in Petronita. But the Malaysian ladies will not be around for a long time as they will have to follow their husbands, once he has to be posted somewhere else. Saying farewells has been a difficult time for all, as we have been doing activities together and lived so close to each other, being so far away from family members in Malaysia..

Madam Ha has been prepared with her words, but still having difficulties to say it.. saying thank you and goodbye to members who have been dedicated to the association was not as easy as everyone could think..

This is Sharifah's second trip to HCMC, to accompany her husband together with her adorable kids.. She left us early November 2005..

Madam Normah presenting a small gift to Sharifah... a souvenir from Petronita for a dedicated member as Head of Business Committee..

Last but not least, a memorable shot together..

These four sweet and charming ladies (from left: Zainon, Anida, Zaleha and Siti Sahana) also left us during Summer School Holiday in August 2005..

We organized a farewell lunch at Amara Hotel.. to gather and to express how grateful we were, having them around all this while, as friend and sisters...

Souvenir to Siti Sahana.. an active & supportive member.. very good at sports & singing..

A souvenir to Zaleha too, been selected to receive Chairlady's Award during AGM this year..

To Anida.... the sweet, kind hearted and helpful member..

A souvenir to Zainon... who has been very informative, innovative and creative, to share her skills in arts and charity works..

Sad moment to all.. just couldn't share a smile huh...

Together forever... we shall all cherish those sweet moments wherever we are, wherever we go...