Business & Promotion was given the task and resposibility to cook for Hari Raya Gatering organized by Petronas Carigali Vietnam Limited. The committee then gathered all ladies (mostly housewives) who were able to help and cook all the food together. It was such a great time together, with some ladies showed their genuine style and recipes for all to share... But the most important was that all the guests were impressed by the delicious food and the great cooperation by the members who worked so hard together..

They are smiling....!!!! They are happy to see lots of food yeaahh..!!

Dunno where to start, or which one to pick first?

Ahaa.. at least, we'll be full till dinner time.. TQ ladies..!!!

Hardworking ladies...

Discussing about more menus..???

Here is one of the Master in the kitchen.. full with tips and tricks of cooking..

"You should all know the dos and don'ts when cooking..."

Another Master in the kitchen.. sharing her recipes & tricks too..

Helpful members...

"Ahaaaa.. make sure don't burn all the satays haaa...!!!"

Manual fan...!!!

Waiting for their turn to stir the Beef Rendang.. all were so helpful..!!!!

6 kgs of beef...!!!! There you go...