As always, Puan Sri Datin Sri will never leave Ho Chi Minh City without a charity visit. This year Petronita HCMC decided to visit and donated some amount of money together with 2 sewing machines for the benefit of students and teachers there. Tuong Lai Disable School shelters a number of students who are born with autism, dowm syndrome plus few others diseases..

Puan Sri Datin Sri with the Head of the school..

Receiving a painting done by one of the student...

Another gift from the school, mostly done by the kids..

The Head of the School in her welcoming & grateful speech..

Our representative has been trying so hard to translate every single word from the Head of the school..

Brief information about the school progress & achievement from Petronita's representative, Ms Aisyah..

Committee members & members, made an effort to accompany Puan Sri Datin Sri for the Charity activity.. we care...

Petronas Country Manager & other Business Heads also joined the charity activity... to show how much we care...

Performance by some of the children..

Some were shy but did great in their singing too...

Committee Members with some of the children..

We really hope that the sewing machines will be a great help and source for the school and the children to proceed with their lesson and activities...

Petronita Committee & Members after the charity trip..